SARS-CoV-2: the ultimate foe.

In order to defeat our enemy, we need to understand it. One of my favorite topics in college was virology. Viruses are simply packets of genes that exist solely to invade and reproduce, which sounds a lot like the dark moments in our history of colonialism or war. But while humans can also love, regret,... Continue Reading →

Brain waves in a dish?

Brain waves – what are they anyway? This term refers to the synchronized activity of brain cells, or neurons, in a network. Rather than a room full of random and chaotic conversation, the brain is more akin to a choir. Each chorister gets their cue from the singers around them. The result is an intricate... Continue Reading →

Battling Impostor Syndrome

It was 8pm on a Saturday. We had been sitting in the common room of Haverford University since 9am waiting for the interview committee to make a decision. We had exhausted the energy bars and chips they had provided. At that point, I think most of us had decided that we were not going to... Continue Reading →

How *good* scientists plan experiments

Image: "Piled Higher and Deeper" by Jorge Cham, Sometimes, when progress is happening slowly, it's hard to recognize growth. Comparing myself now to me two years ago, I'm honestly proud of how far I've come as a scientist. Specifically, apart from developing my hard skillset, for the first time, I feel like I'm understanding what... Continue Reading →

Could we grow a brain in the lab?

What if you could grow a human brain in a petri dish? Well, we're not there yet, but the rise of 3-D human brain cell culture has opened the door to some exciting possibilities. We spend a lot of time and resources studying mouse or rat brains. Ideally, though, we want to study human brains.... Continue Reading →

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